Someone said Sedona
Like so many ideas this was Gail’s. “Wouldn’t it be fun” she started “to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our Ohio reunion and your father’s 90th birthday together as a family?” she asked without really asking a question. Later, when Scott & Susie were visiting Arizona and havuing lunch with Gail & Gordon, Todd & Marie, we put some detail on a gathering. We got out our calendars and decided Sedona in June made sense. It would be hot at midday but the mornings would be gorgeous for physical activity. Todd & Marie had been to Los Abrigos resert and had lots of good things to say about it. So we had something that looked like a plan.
Would people come? Time to find out, so we launched a few emails and it turns out people will come. We have YESs from Joan, Jen & Sylvia and Jeff & Michelle. Fantastic.
Now it is time to create this thing, make it real. Todd and Marie know a lot about Sedona, as do Gail & Gordon, so a spreadsheet was created with ideas and this website got flung into the world.
Use the comments to make this into a conversation. The suggestions page is there, but you can comment here as well.